No game session this week due to seasonal illness rampaging our household, so instead I penned a little interlude for events that may have an impact in coming sessions....
Tack. Tack. Tack. The noise of the walking cane striking the hard, carpet-less floor of the mansion chambers reverberated around the practically empty space. He was moving with as much urgency as his elderly frame allowed.
"Mother!" he croaked. His reedy voice growing hoarse with his attempts to shout.
"Mother!" He looked this way and that trying to discern where she had gone.
Fletcher, the surly, middle aged footman he had always suspected of stealing the silver approached.
"You alrioght there, m'lud?" The footman said with had extended to offer aid.
"Geddoff you fool. It's my mother I need, not some theiving good-for-nothing, nark of a serf!" He waved him away with his cane for emphasis.
The servant allowed himself a wry smile, which he did nothing to hide from his lord "Tha Baroness is in 'er chambers m'ud, being attired by her hand maidens."
The noble muttered a barely audible series of curses and turned to slowly climb the well worn stairs.
"Mother! What is the meaning of this!" phelgm spat from his mouth as he burst unceremoniously into the matriarch's chambers. The occupants had heard him wheezing outside the door for about five minutes before his strength had returned enough to allow him to enter and so his attempts at dramatic effect fell completely flat.
The scene before him was of faded glory. The chambers were once gloriously ornate and splendid but they, like the rest of the barony had slid slowly into a state of tarnished antiquity. The damp and musty smell that perpetuated the entire mansion seemed to exaggerate the sense of faded glory in these rooms.
"Mother, answer me!" She hadn't even deigned to turn toward him. Her hand maidens, most of whom were approximately his contemporaries in age, were busying themselves in fastening her corset, preparing layer upon layer of garments and tying bows and ornaments in the enormous chignon of pale grey-white hair upon his mother's head.
The Baroness gestured slowly and two of the maids slowly turned the rotating platform upon which his mother stood until she was facing him.
"Yes....Basil?" The slow cadence of her speech and the high intonation at the end of his name ground into Sir Basil Abalone Justinian as it always did. Why wouldn't the old hag just die and let him come into his inheritance? His frustration helped him find his voice.
"Mother! What is this nonsense I hear from Manuel that you are conceding title on our estates?" His cheeks were flushing (if his phsyickian were here he would remind him of his blood's pressure).
"Well...child..." (she knew that annoyed him) "...You are my last....remaining....offspring." She stopped and gestured to a maid, in this case a young slip of a girl, who immediately brought her a goblet. She took it slowly but gracefully and sipped. Sipped again. And again. Returned the cup to the attendant, sighed heavily and resumed speaking. Sir Basil was almost purple and set to explode.
" your age , and without wife or.......issue, you longer.... a viable...heir."
Her son paused, waiting to see if this was just another temporary halt in the dialogue but after a few moments impatience and rage got the better of him.
"But Mother! You are giving away my inheritance, and if the servant's tittle tattle is to be believed you are disposing of our fiefdom to another Noble House! It's preposterous! I shall bring in the Reeves to contest the legality of this, you are not in your right mind! You can't be! I will have you..."
It was a surprise to many when the Baroness still exerted her "voice of authority" considering her age and fragility but she was, when the mood or circumstances took her, more than able to gain the attention of those around her.
"BE SILENT! Do not consider me to be a winnowy waif that you can dismiss or disregard. I am your Mother, boy, and this is still my home and lands! For now at least." The exertion of the outburst had visibly drained her, but she continued.
"This is not something...I have taken lightly, You you...seem hide...from your own....Mother...If you have all in...gambling should be...set...for what few...remaining years the...Pancreator ...sees fit with."
"But Mother...what of the lands? But what...but....Mummy??" The face of determination was shrinking away to that of a spoilt and inconsolable child
He took slow paces towards her. He knew she was made of a core of steel and that if it was decided he had lost.
She reached out her wrinkled hands to him and he sidled up to her and lay his head on her chest. She gingerly embraced him and patted his head.
"There...there....dear boy....Mother knows what's best."
Being a log and record of our Fading Suns roleplaying game campaign concerning the personage of the Dame Arcadia Justinian and more importantly the exploits of her entourage and companions. (for more on Fading Suns visit )
Friday, 29 January 2016
Monday, 25 January 2016
Noble Armada - Avast! Pirates off the bow!
So we missed a session last week and I think I was pining for it a bit so I decided to play out a scenario for the Fading Suns star ship battles game; "Noble Armada".
(Here I'm using the second edition of the rules, as published by Mongoose. I have both this and the 1st Edition from Holistic Design but I figured for a quick game I'd use the Mongoose system)
In an attempt to keep it aligned with current events in the campaign the concept (using a "rescue" scenario from the main rule book) was that the pirates on board Sir Hasimir's stolen ship ("The Questionable Intent"), a House Al Malik Rahimat class galliot, were attacking a pair of League transport vessels. The felons were using the standard "cripple with rockets from a distance & then board and take as prizes" pirate tactic. A nearby Hawkwood patrol responded to the guilders' distress signals (the word of pirate activity having increased patrols of the trade routes) and we had the outline for the game.
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Above: After turn one, and the pirate galliot is already getting a bearing on the Hawkwood scout. The scout is adjacent to the two disabled League cargo transports. |
(I did have to restart the game after the original first turn one as I'd built the Hawkwood fleet solely from Wayfarer scouts and soon realised that they would never have got through the Galliot's shields. When I restarted I swapped out the ships for a Hornet frigate and a single scout)
The game scenario had a time limit of eight turns, but in this situation it didn't need it... By the first two turns the pirate galliot had swooped in on the scout, grappled it and sent over marines to board and successfully take control of the ship. Meanwhile the Hornet showed how versatile and dangerous it could be, pummelling the pirate vessel with laser and missile fire, even after being robbed of assistance from the scout ship's sensors. The galliot took two critical damage results; one to the reactor and another to crew but it was still very much in the fight.
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Above: Turn three and the pirates move to board the Hornet while their captured Wayfarer approaches from eth Frigate's aft. |
With the aid of the freshly captured scout the pirates ran down the Hornet and secured grapples, holding it in a deathly embrace as marines poured aboard. The Frigate's own marine compliment held the attackers at bay for a turn, during which the galliot dragged it's prey with it. As the two ships were still locked together they couldn't bring weapons to bear on each other but there was nothing preventing the scout turning it's gun (ineffectually as it turned out) on it's former ally and the Hornet was able to return fire with a barrage of missiles.
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Above: The final turn. While the captured scout keeps a watch on the cargo ships the pirates wrestle control of the Hornet from it's remaining marines. |
The second round of the boarding action saw an end to the Hawkwood resistance. It would appear that "Hasimir's crew" have captured two League transports with their crew & cargo, and a pair of Hawkwood vessels with their complement of householders, hired Guilders and any commanding nobility.
(The game ended after turn four with a pirate victory of 250 Victory points to zero...)
So I'm treating this as a "canonical" event in the campaign. "Hasimir's Pirates" are active and, it would seem, rather successful. However I can neither confirm nor deny if it has occurred already or may be a future event. The fact that Sir Bedevere Windsor Hawkwood commands a Wayfarer Scout vessel, the same as the one captured by the pirates, that his role is usually space patrol and that he appears to be an honourable knight who seeks restitution and punishment for a crime he was witness to, so is hardly likely to let a distress call go unheeded particularly if he want to see these particular pirates punished, is merely conjecture...
Friday, 15 January 2016
Session thirty-three - An unwelcome guest
After leaving his father Hemlock heads to his room with Mal and Chastity. There she apologises for any trouble she has caused with his father, while he regrets the concept that she might be in any way to blame and they both console themselves with the fact that they share difficult relationships with their fathers. Hemlock then tries to question Mal about his father's comments that the Hawkwood is an "enemy of the church". Mal is typically evasive but does confess that he doesn't get on well with the church or it's clergy.
Meanwhile Hasimir and Virssu are hiding in "The Endless Turn" the explorer class ship that Mister Lawrence had hidden on a landing platform in Sector 42. Hasimir questions Virssu about what exactly his duties and mission are. Virssu confirms that it is to keep Hasimir safe and able to continue working for the House. Hasimir then uses the ship's comms suite to call Hemlock on his sqwarker. They share information and update each other on what is happening but it transpires that no one knows where Sir Tarquin Justinian is.
Hemlock leaves his room to make arrangements to leave the barony to find that Sir Al-Salih Ishmael Al Malik has arrived with his entourage; a large, bald and dark skinned male human servant and an astute and reserved looking Ur-Obun. Hemlock is spotted and has to go to greet him, as does Baron Tochiro. The Al Malik knight speaks frequently in The Graceful Tongue, which the Baron seems fluent in. Hemlock is struck that his father seems far more deferential to this knight than a Baron should be. Dinner is arranged and Hemlock is requested to join them.
Hasimir calls home to his Torrenson liege but has to leave a message and then calls Baron Christopher. The Baron is already seemingly convinced of his innocence and says he will extend asylum and amnesty to hasimir until this is all sorted out. Hasimir mentions that Tarquin's location is currently unknown but Christopher seems unperturbed, he advises the knight that information has come into his possession which should resolve these matters for them. Hasimir advises that he will return to the fief the following day.
Hemlock and company prepare to leave. Hemlock calls Baron Christopher to entreat on Hasimir's behalf and after some initial confusion he discovers that they have been in touch and all is OK for now.
That evening Hemlock sits through a difficult meal with his father and their guest. They speak at length in the metaphor and simile of The Graceful Tongue while Hemlock sits and listens. he starts to glean from his father's manner that while said with a pleasant and affable intonation Al-Salih is being less than complimentary to the Baron and his home, while the Baron is just taking it. The Al Malik then presents "Gifts" to his hosts; for Tochiro a new grazer energy pistol and for Hemlock a family portrait picture he remembers as a child from his sitting room mantelpiece, still in the original charred and damaged frame, apparently from Al-Salih's family collection. Overcome with anger and grief Hemlock excuses himself and returns to his friends.
Hasimir receives a call from his direct Torenson superior; Baronet Atriedes Torrenson. They speak at length and clears up some matters of priority and purpose, including who Hasimir should be representing, based on the fact that he works for the Midden Barony rather than a specific noble.
Hemlock and company leave the mansion. On the way out they meet Master Alfredo who wishes to speak with Hemlock and so walks out with them. He explains some of what has gone on between Baron Tochiro & Al-Salih and how it relates to the attack on the mansion during Hemlock's childhood. He believes that Al-Salih represents whomever was behind the attack and that it was intended as a punishment for something Tochiro had done. The presentation of the gifts were further metaphors that other punishments may be due and that Hemlock's life may be in danger. Alfredo believes that the Baron was therefore culpable in some way for the attack on the mansion but that he is driven by power He wants to lead the Justinians on Ravenna nad he has sought the Al Malik and Duke Cassius Hawkwood's support to enable him to do so. Even if it comes with a great personal cost.
The party says farewell to the householder and moves on to the inn in the fief where they have arranged to stay the night; "The Penitent Miner". The Amalthean Protos Cobblestone is drinking in the inn and asks if he may join them. He mentions the visit he has had from a Decados "benefactor" and that he identified Hemlock's hand in it. The priest considers that his penance is complete as he now has the funds to build his church/hospital. Hemlock says he will do what he can to help further and Cobblestone accepts. However the priest advises that he will need to travel to seek materials and suppliers, try to recruit workers and possibly even new cult members. He fully expects that if Saint Amalthea and the Pancreator wish it their paths will cross again.
Friday, 8 January 2016
Session thirty-two - In which a number of shouty people shout at each other.
We began where we left off; in the Sector 42 mansion after Sir Bedevere and his troops had stormed in. Hemlock immediately launches into a protest accusing him of invading his home. Bedevere counters that he has official warrants and permission directly from Hemlock's father. Hemlock still takes issue with the means of entry and attitude but Bedevere counters that, as far as he is concerned, Hasimir is a wily and resourceful criminal and so it was essential to come in fast and hard. Hasimir says he has evidence that supports his innocence but Bedevere refuses to let him get it, suspecting some form of deceit and suggests he just presents it at his trial. The debate rages and tempers flare. Hemlock challenges the Hawkwood to a duel but Bedevere just mocks, no honour has been offended, he is acting justly and Hemlock is acting like a spoilt brat. He is also harbouring a suspected criminal and needs to take care that he is not considered a foe rather than an innocent party. Matters are not defused until Bedevere pauses and regains his composure saying he will wait outside for 30 minutes after which time he will expect Hasimir to be handed over to him.
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Above: Dinner for two? |
In the Midden Barony we find Marquis De Havilland washed, wounds treated, clothed in new clean attire and with his belongings returned to him. He is sat at dinner opposite Baron Christopher who apologises for his treatment at the hands of his "over enthusiastic" men. The baron says that if the Marquis wanted to know anything he should have just come to ask. The Baron has nothing to hide. De Havilland states that he was investigating word of sedition and rebellion in the fief, while Christopher says he is well aware and, thanks to Hasimir, is poised to end it once and for all. De Havilland questions him on it but gets little in the way of specifics. The Baron alludes to Hasimir's current "troubles" as his brother had made him aware that he was looking to arrest him. De Havilland mentions that he met Bedevere in Suryada before his attempt to attack SOE/8807. Christopher explains that it was during this that Hawkwood vessels were attacked by pirates and it is this that has prompted Hasimir's arrest. The Baron moves the discussion to Tonbei's attempt on his life, the Hit List and De Havilland's obligation to him to investigate and bring him the culprit. The Marquis explains some of what he discovered (about Tonbei's last words being the name of an anti-human Ur-Obun martyr) and suggested that, according to a source, Count Innocence Decados was behind the plot to attack the Baron to which the Baron is stunned; why would the leading Decados on the planet target him, let alone the Marquis' associates? That is a huge accusation for which De Havilland ought to have ample proof to back up. He says he has no proof and agreed that it would be nigh on impossible to actually prove. The Marquis also suggested that the Decados should be making an appearance very soon in all likelihood, (without suggesting why at the time.) Christopher is concerned he ought to spend less time looking out for sedition in the Barony, that is already known about, and more time fulfilling his obligation to find the person behind Tonbei's actions. All in all there was a lot of verbal probing on both sides and a real jousting of wits.
While the clock counts down Hemlock, Hasimir and Mal discuss what to do next. Hasimir is content to let them take him "for now" but Virssu slips off to speak with his superiors. He is instructed that Hasimir should remain safe and free, he has shown himself to have potential and they would not have this squandered in a Hawkwood prison cell. Master Alfredo suggests escape via the tunnels that the young Hemlock was spirited away as a child. Escape is dismissed as not an option though. Hemlock and Mal, with Sir Tarquin in tow leave the mansion with Hasimir to meet with Sir Bedevere. Meanwhile Virssu slips out of the back gate (past some waiting Hawkwood guards). Hemlock states that they will accompany the Hawkwoods to their ship as an honour guard in order to ease their travel through the fief. Sir Bedevere accepts and they set off, moving past the mansion towards the chasm edge (and Virssu). Virssu hears a ship engine approach, down through the chasm shaft and spies that it is not a Hawkwood vessel but a Decados one. It stops level with the floor of the city they are on and opens it's port side gun ports. An audio broadcast proclaims that this is in response to the murder of "My daughter" and the ship's turret and port laser cannon open up. Confusion reigns. The Hawkwoods, in particular the Maruaders attempt to defend themselves, Mal (at Hemlock's request) heads into the mansion to protect or at least check on Chastity, Virssu sneaks through the guards and manages to abscond with Hasimir, taking him to the landing pad where Mister Lawrence had had the explorer docked and stored in secret while Hemlock uses his wrist squwarker to send an all channels broadcast to advise that Chastity lives and that it was a ruse. His words obviously find an ear and the firing stops. Hemlock tells Mal to take Chastity and hide, which they do in the escape tunnel suggested by Master Alfredo while he invites Count Innocence in. Bedevere comes to Hemlock to accuse him and his "Decados allies" of helping Hasimir escape. Hemlock tells him he has nothing to do with this and nor do the Decados (as far as he knows) but invites Sir Bedevere to hear for himself. he agrees and they await the arrival of the Count.
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Above: Hemlock and Bedevere await the arrival of Count Innocence Decados |
The Count joins them and takes tea in the drawing room of the now damaged mansion. The scene is somewhat bizarre. Hemlock explains events and how Tarquin (who has not been seen since the attack) attempted to kill Chastity but failed. It was deemed best that they pretend she had died in order to prevent another attempt while she recuperated. The Count appears convinced and suggests that he ought to donate some funds to the preist for his work in restoring his daughter. He mentions how precious his two daughters are to him (and both their mothers before them) but that Chastity has defied and disobeyed him. He does not wish to see her but tells Hemlock that she should be told that when she wishes to seek forgiveness she should go to him. The Count then asks Hemolock if he may have some time alone with Sir Bedevere. This is granted and afterwards Sir Bedevere leaves to join his men in the search for Hasimir, apparently satisfied. He apologises for the upset he caused Hemlock but he considered his actions valid at the time.
Shortly after he leaves another visitor arrives, stepping through the shattered doorway is Hemlock's father. He shocked by the state of his home and even more so by the presence of Count Innocence. He recovers swiftly and is gracious to his esteemed visitor, but not dismayed when he leaves some moments latter. Baron Tochiro immediately summons Hemlock to his study where he lays into his son over his "conduct" - welcoming enemies (the Decados) and heretics (Mal) into their home and protecting a wanted man (Hasimir). Hemlock protests and they argue and then joined by Mal, who defends Hemlock, sharing the intercepted and decoded messages. They tell of the troubles they have had with the Scravers and Hemlock defends his friends and Lady Chastity. Tochiro's outrage only grows; the boy (hemlock) doesn't know what he has done, but it could be worse. Things then appear to get worse as he shares details of their forthcoming Al-Malik visitor. The Baron is beside himself. Does he not understand what he is bringing down upon their House? Does Hemlock want to see a repeat of events from some years ago that lead to the death of his sister? Does he want to upset his mother again like that? As far as his father seems to be concerned he is bringing death and destruction down upon them again and the blood will be on Hemlock's hands. They continue to argue and tempers flare. the Baron demands that Mal, Chastity and Hemlock all get out of his sight.
Meanwhile Virssu and Hasimir are safe in the explorer when Virssu realises neither of them know how to fly it...
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