We joined the scene in the court the day after the murder of
Baron Christopher Windsor Hawkwood. The bench consists of Lady Stephanie Midden
Justinian Hawkwood, widow of the deceased and lady of the manor, Sir Terrance
Hawkwood the sheriff of the fief and Baron Leicester, a Synecullum priest who
has been drafted in to represent the church and act as chairman as the notable
local priesthood are otherwise engaged.
Father Konrad, the Baron's confessor acts as prosecutor and commences with
a detailed "illustration of Hasimir's character". He presents what is evidently the popularist
view of the Torenson knight, having been featured frequently in the salacious
columns of the Town Cryers' sheets for some months now. The Father narrates how
he'd left the planet without the permission of his master (The Lord of the
Midden barony) and whilst under a cloud:
...one of his associates, Lady Arcadia Justinian, is a known
traitor to the crown,
...another, Brother Josay, was a priest executed for heresy
...he frequented with aliens, one of whom attempted to
assassinate the baron previously, and heretics (Mal)
...he owns a military ship, for no explainable reason
...which he acquired in mysterious circumstances from a
village which was subject of a Husk attack
...a ship he named the "Questionable Intent"
...he'd taken that ship into space to deliver cargo; A
military ship on a cargo run?
...and it turns out that he was delivering that cargo to a
nest of heretics led by an intelligent GOLEM!
...and now he states the ship has been stolen but it
appears, flying under his colours and commanded by no less than Lady Arcadia, committing
piracy against Hawkwood and Merchant League interests
...and he has worked with Sir Tarquin Justinian to undermine
the rightful rule of Baron Christopher while purporting to be acting to ensnare
the Justinian boy but was he really? The testimony of the by's co-conspirators
paints Hasimir as a loyal member of their revolutionary cell
...and he has corrupted agents of the church (Father Helsing
and Lady Althea)
...and he is still wanted by the Hawkwood Navy and the
office of the Planetary Duke for his acts of piracy and aiding a traitor!
All of which the priest uses to try to paint Hasimir as the
sort of deceitful reprobate who would kill his master. After all, he freely admits that he served
the tea and it was the tea that killed the Baron.
We then flashed back to the previous day where Hemlock is
attempting to track down the source of the tea. He discovers by talking with
the servants that the priest who delivered it was none other than Protos
Cobblestone. Hemlock speaks with him about the matter and the Amalthean seems
genuinely shocked and ashamed that he might have, unwittingly, had a part to
play in the death of the Baron. He advises that Count Innocence gave him the
tea when he gave him the donation for his hospice. He doesn't drink the stuff but recognised it
was valuable so thought it would make a suitable gift to a noble when seeking
further alms and aid, hence he had left it for the Baron. At Hemlock's request
he tests a sample of the tea and proves that it is toxic.
We also followed the Marquis De Havilland as he spoke with Baroness
Abalone's Reeve about the legal issues surrounding the case. The Reeve advised that he would not represent
Hasimir for three reasons; a) he was not a criminal expert b) Hasimir was Reeve
trained so he would not wish to impose professionally and c) as Abalone was now
Stephanie's it would reflect a conflict of interests. He also confirms that while brief in a
traditional and very religious world such as Ravenna the wedding ceremony
between the Baron and Stephanie was binding and legal (there were plenty of
witnesses and it was conducted by an invested Orthodox priest).
Moving back to the "present" in the court Sir
Hasimir is permitted to defend himself (having been made aware of his
colleagues findings before the court).
He delivers a stirring oratory (some really impressive roleplay and a
long and continuous stream of dialogue, there was a round of applause about the
table when he'd finished) wherein he professes his devotion to the Baron and
the Pancreator and answers and explains each of the issues raised by Father
Konrad. He too insults and scorns Arcadia, a fact that upsets and angers
Hemlock. Hasimir appears to have the assembled crowd in the palm of his hand at
which point Konrad reveals that he knows Hasimir to be a psychic witch! And
declares that he is using occult tricks to cloud minds and coerce others! The
peasantry assembled there recoil in horror and fear.
Hasimir humbly admits that this is the case, but says it is
a burden he bears from the Pancreator and one he uses to serve...and that his
abilities don't allow him to influence others.
Konrad objects but Hasimir's words have allowed him the
benefit of the doubt. The court asks if
anyone else will speak in his defence and Hemlock puts aside his anger for the
moment to stand and state his case. He
shows his Guild experience by trying to argue the logic of the crime but Konrad
shouts him down - could not the Protos' story be more of Hasimir's lies and
The court requests that Konrad calm down and adjourns to
debate matters.
The cadre discuss the case so far and what they might do
After sometime the judges return from their deliberations to
declre that they find Hasimir....not guilty! Konrad is outraged and has to be
escorted from the court by guards. Lady Stephanie then announces that while
Hasimir may go free, in light of the revelation of his occult powers she can no
longer sanction his employment in the Midden Barony and he is to be
dismissed. Hasimir swears that he will
leave and find who truly killed the Baron so that he might one day return,
fully vindicated. Hasimir is unchained and free to go.
The cadre decided to collect their belongings from the
mansion and then head to the "Endless Turn" to plan their next move.
As the serfs files out of the court an alarm bell can be
heard in the distance. Elric and De Havilland climb the church bell tower
(where the court session had been held) and see that the Barony appears to be
under attack. With Hemlock's aid they
identify that there are two factions of assailants; Muster mercenaries in the
employ of Baron Tumeric Justinian of The Folly and local peasants from the
barony revolting against the Hawkwood militia.
Hawkwood troops are fighting running battles in the streets against both
![]() |
Above: Ambush in the alleyways... |
Led by De Havilland and Elric they slip from the church via
a side door and head through back alleys to the mansion. En route they encounter a group of revolting
peasants (quite literally...) and engage them.
De Havilland and Hemlock intimidate them into fleeing, but not until the
Marquis has reluctantly cut one down. Once the mob flees De Havilland treats
the unconscious man's wounds and they return to the mansion house.
There, as they collect their belongings, Hasimir bids a
formal and finale farewell to Stephanie and Father Konrad, who is now serving
her. Elric overhears confirmation that the attackers have come from the Folly
but that Sir Tarquin Justinian has also returned and is rousing the rabble
against the Hawkwood authorities. Upon hearing this news the cadre debate that
there may be much bloodshed to come and the whole of House Justinian on Ravenna
may feel the repercussions.