We rejoin our cadre after they have successfully managed to negotiate their way across Deepcore 104, through the Midden Barony, Barony of Abalone, across the surface and then stealthily through Sector 42 to recover their scout ship; "The Endless Turn". Bidding farewell to Elric, who will continue to gather information for the Marquis, they set course for the northern coast and the capital city of Celdor.
They locate a suitable landing spot outside the city and head in by foot. Sir Hemlock makes enquiries as to where they might be able to find Earl Kiruda Quentin Justinian, the planetary leader of the House. He learns that he rents a house to the other side of the city and the group head off to visit him.
On their way they are accosted in the market place by a noble looking fellow wearing a mix of travelling attire topped with a church tabard. He appears to know Hasimir and demands to know if he is guilty of the crimes he has heard he stands accused of. Hemlock finds the man familiar and it transpires that this is Sir Anduin Justinian, a young bastard of the House who was legitimised by his father before then being sent as an adult to study with Eskatonic monks. Hasimir worked for his parents many years before and was the boy's tutor. Sir Hasimir explains events and how the court has found him not guilty but that he is seeking to reclaim his ship and prove his innocence. Anduin declares that he is honour bound to help his old teacher (got to love the "Loyalty" Blessing...) and attaches himself to the group.
The party arrives at the Earl's home and are told by the gatekeeper that his master will entertain the Marquis but not a Decados, a wanted criminal or the son of Baron Tochiro. De Havilland agrees to go forward and state their case and try to convince the Earl to receive them all and follows the Gatekeeper onto the grounds. The rest of the group are left to wait outside in the balmy coastal Ravenna air.
Hours pass and Hemlock starts to get a little impatient, calling De Havilland on his squwarker. The Marquis tries to placate him and shortly after a servant comes to call them in, with the exception of Chastity. The Earl will not permit a Decados within his home. They agree to the terms.
There then follows a length discussion with Earl Kiruda in which Hemlock attempts to prove that he is against his father and supports the Earl and Hasimir justifies his actions and explains his innocence. They both succeed in at least keeping the ear of their host and Hemlock cements this by presenting him with the notebook he was given by the old woman in Sector 42. Kiruda realises it's significance almost immediately; this is proof that Tochiro was complicit in unauthorised exploration and exploitation of Deepcore 104 and profited from recovered 2nd Republic artefacts. He summons a servant to notify the local bishop, and thanks Hemlock for bringing it to him. He also councils him against his friendship with Chastity, reiterating how House Decados are their ancient foes and that they are always treacherous.
The Earl asks what their plans are from this point and the cadre confirm that they plan to head into space to discover the truth of the pirate calling herself Arcadia Justinian and to attempt to recover Hasimir's other ship. Kiruda acknowledges how damaging the piracy is on the reputation of his House and offers what aid he can. His servants will resupply them and provide for their immediate needs. Sir Hemlock also asks if they could provide an engineer to help about the Endless Turn and the Earl agrees to do what he can.
Before they leave Hemlock asks to speak with Earl Kiruda privately; he is being attended by Sir Jutland Justinian, a knight that Hemlock previously met in Sector 42 when he was delivering news of the Austrum War to his father, Baron Tochiro. Jutland serves Baron Samuel of Quentin's Retreat but he has apparently come to attend on the Earl, citing that he feels a closer affinity to a man of a martial background and bearing rather than the studious academic Samuel. Sir Hemlock tells the Earl how Jutland appeared to be close to his father, bringing him reports from the front when there was no direct line of fealty or responsibility, could he be an agent for Tochiro? Kiruda thanks him once again and decides not to act yet, but to keep watch.
Some time passes and while the ship is resupplied the cadre rest up and take advantage of the pleasant and restful, almost sleepy, atmosphere in Celdor. Finally they are introduced to the Muster Engineer that the Earl's Household have employed to help crew the ship. He is a middle aged, rough looking fellow named Drumpf. While somewhat uncouth he seems to know his work and is familiar with Al Malik vessels. With their engineer aboard they set off for the stars, Anduin immediately demonstrating his theurgic gifts by divining a probable starting location for their search.