Saturday, 9 May 2020

Session forty-three

After possibly too long a hiatus we have returned...with a view to providing a final chapter in the trials and tribulations of Dame Arcadia Justinian before the release of Fading Suns: Pax Alexius and we step into a new age...

While we may fill in more details of what has happened since we last met our cadre over time or in future posts (and yes, I never did write up session forty-two) it's enough for now to say that just over four years have passed. It is mid-5008. Sir Hemlock (now just Keats) and the Marquis De Havilland had an accidental and lengthy excursion across Kurgan and Vuldrok space, visiting a series of lost worlds while trying to return to Twilight. They returned about six months ago and were reunited with Sir Mal Hawkwood and the Charioteer Corteaz. They bring with them a travelling companion in the form of a female Vuldrok warrior by the name of Ylanath and both have been changed by their experiences.

In the meantime, while not operating independently, Corteaz' operation is turning a profit (both in direct trade and also fees relating to using the Jump Key, consultancy fees, commission for introductions to potential contacts on Twilight etc.). The Citadel is still a threat and travel to and from the Jump Gate and Twilight is dangerous, however ships don't travel alone and Corteaz' crew are becoming experts in the Abwehr fleet's tactics. Mal has been acting against type and has been every bit the noble, doing all he can to support the expedition in the absence of his cousin, De Havilland. 

As we begin the cadre have been summoned together by Corteaz. Keats and De Havilland have yet to travel far beyond the Ravenna side of the Twilight Jump Gate since their return but have been familiarizing themselves with the "mercantile expedition". In fact Keats has been making himself useful in whatever capacity Corteaz required.

The Charioteer, to his credit, seems both relieved and overjoyed to have his old friend back with him.

It soon becomes apparent that not all is well with the flamboyant Corteaz. He narrates how his financial backer, banker and agent, a Reeve from Byzantium Secundus is no longer responding to messages and the flow of funds has stopped. While he can keep the operation going "cash in hand" for now he still owes his "backers" for both his ship (the San Paulus) and the Twilight gate key and the lack of communication concerns him greatly.

He begs the cadre, knowing that they may be reluctant to return to the Known Worlds for their own reasons, to investigate what has happened. They all agree.

During their journeys the Marquis "acquired" a Vuldrok explorer starship and they prep this for their journey. Keats will act as pilot while an Ur-Obun guilder of Corteaz' acquaintance will serve as the ship's engineer (and contribute some additional Think Machine skills to the group).

Ylanath and De Havilland discuss his return and whether she will accompany him. She seems to toy with him somewhat but there is obviously a deeper, if complex, relationship between them.

The travel is relatively uneventful, they witness an skirmish with Citadel forces but the San Paulus, which is escorting them as an "honour guard" soon scares off the raiders. Keats has witnessed at first hand that that Corteaz' ship and crew now have a reputation amongst the enemy forces.

Once through the gate the cadre fly to Ravenna orbit and dock with a geostationary station. They seek news from the planet below and are able to find out some of what has been happening in their absence.

The most shocking piece of news is from the conflict on the Austram isles (the lands belonging to De Havilland's warring siblings). In recent days a Weapon of Mass Destruction (possibly an Atomic device) was discharged, seemingly by Count Otto's forces. This has sent a ripple of shock through out the local nobility and hostilities have fallen into an uneasy ceasefire. Tensions are high and the Amaltheans of Sanctuary Aeon, who were already a noticeable presence in the conflict, have been very vocal in their protests while also doing all they can to alleviate the suffering in the aftermath of the attack.

When it was known that De Havilland had returned to Twilight he received news from Sir Hasimir (who was acting as his regent) about his fief and lands. Upon arrival at Ravenna he is sent a more recent epistle from his old House Torrenson ally. It appears that Hasimir has fled for a new assignment, taking his ship "The Endless Turn", and a significant amount of "gifts" from De Havilland's estate. The cadre wonder if this is in any way related to the WMD.

The cadre are left to debate whether they ought to set foot on Ravenna again or just head to Byzantium Secundus.