Thursday 4 September 2014

Session seven

It is the early evening of the fifth and final day of the St Gavin's festival. The new Baron's heralds and criers have announced that his court will be held in less than thirty minutes to resolve the matter of the old Baron's murder. Meanwhile Sir Hasimir Torenson sits with Baron Cuthbert and the Reeve, Herbert Pufflenaff, discussing the fate of Dame Arcadia. Hasimir tells them that he believes a Scraver known as "Façade" is responsible and that it is she who needs to be brought to justice.  The Reeve requests proof.

Hasimir leaves and Sir Hemlock then seeks an audience, which is granted. Speaking to the Reeve he questions him as to whether he feels that the actions of the murderer, as witnessed by Timmy, fit with what he has witnessed as Arcadia's behaviour.  He also requests that he be allowed to borrow one of the Bailiffs; simply to accompany him in an effort to lure out Façade.  The  Baron is slightly aghast but the Reeve agrees, showing sympathy for Hemlock and in an effort to lay the matter to bed once and for all.

Hemlock, accompanied by Hasimir and the Bailiff, go to the tent where they last say Sir Selwyn and Façade. They are still there and Hemlock bursts in announcing that the Reeve wishes to see her. Selwyn protests that this is ridiculous but Façade demurely agrees and follows them. Selwyn follows behind making a great fuss about how his maid is being persecuted, but does not seem in any great hurry. He is accompanied by Hasimir who notices his slightly curious mixed reaction.

Having failed to provoke a reaction so far Hemlock takes Façade to the Baron's tent and once within draws his sword and slices at her.  The baron's guards and the Reeve's Muster Guild Bailiffs act to shield their respective charges but as this is a noble assaulting an apparent serf they do not intervene. The wound reveals Synthsilk armour below her maid's uniform.

At that point Hasimir and Selwyn enter.  Selwyn shrieks at Hemlock while Hasimir tries to restrain him but fails.  Selwyn draws his blade and attempts to strike at Hemlock who weaves away with his Torero skills. Hemlock turns and strikes Façade again as she cowers on the flaw, apparently every bit the fearful peasant.

Then things change, she springs up, releasing a flash bomb that disorientates all assembled except Hemlock, Selwyn and Hasimir, and runs. Hemlock dashes after her, followed by Hasimir and Selwyn.

The huge flash alerts some of those who have assembled for court and Beorn rushes to the scene. Hemlock reaches Façade and with a final slash of his blade he cuts her down from behind. Selwyn screams in rage and frustration then storms off, declaring that he will revenge his love.  Beorn arrives and examines the body, noting the armour suit and that she is very dead.

The Reeve and Baron appear, with entourage and have the body examined, finding her physical stigma therefore corroborating the knights' tale of psychic misdeeds. Hemlock apologises humbly to teh Baron for drawing a weapon in his presence but asks for understanding due to the circumstances. The Baron, understanding grief and passion when it comes to a loved one and accepts the apology. After receiving council from Pufflenaff he also states that he believes that justice has been done and his brother's killer executed. Arcadia will be released.

The Baron's court convenes and he shares an abridged version of events with the assembly.  He releases Arcadia and compensates her financially for the time she was incarcerated (which she shares with the party in thanks for championing her cause). After explaining events to Arcadia the party try to locate Selwyn but there is no sign of him, it appears he has already left.

The planned final dinner is held and during which Count Innocence Decados approaches to wish them well and thanks them for ensuring that he "did not have to intervene". They are left to wonder what that may have meant.

Arcadia and her entourage leave the following morning and head to her parents' estate in Deep Core 104. After a few days of uneventful travel they arrive and are welcomed by Potter, one of the household staff. Arcadia sends him to set up guest rooms for her party but before which they ask about Sir Selwyn, Potter confirms that he has not been there for some months.

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