Friday 12 December 2014

Session twenty

I'm full of cold so it's a bit of a brief summary this week, I may revisit it with more details at some point in the future. Ho hum.

In any case a few points of explanation.  De Havilland wants to speak with Keats before he goes anywhere (and knowing what he's going to say I didn't want to not run that conversation as it may have a significant effect on the plot) but De Havilland's player couldn't make it.  Therefore Keats faded into the background and the player ran an alternate character he had in mind, Igor.

We'll deal with Keats and De Havilland in a future session and "retcon" the impact of their discussion...

* Sir Hasimir writes (eloquently) to Baron Christopher explaining his position and that he will return to Ravenna after a "mission of mercy" to deliver food to a church colony
* Lady Althea meets Father Konrad and he charges her with joining Hasimir and trying to unearth what heresies he is committing.  Lawrence notes that the cargo they have for the SOE station has come from Austrum West
* Lawrence and Koehlang have to deal with some insubordination in the ranks of their Muster Mercenary marines
* We introduced the alternate character, a deformed Muster combat engineer named Igor. He is an old friend of Mort's and got the job through him rather than direct from the Muster as with most of the rest of the crew.
* Lady Althea visits Hasimir and defies Father Konrad (awakening her Dark Twin in the process).  She has decided to stay with Marquis De Havilland but she tells Hasimir what  has happened and how her options are changing. Hasimir offers her help and confesses his own psychic gifts.  They read each others minds and part on good terms.
* The ship launches.  They choose to head first to the religious community: "The Retreat of St Deimos"
* During the trip Lawrence has Mort and Igor check the SOE cargo.  They identify that the parts and components are for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).  There is not enough to build a complete device (or devices) but the purpose is clear.
* A day or so later the ship is hailed by a Hawkwood Wayfarer Explorer commanded by Sir Bedevere Windsor Hawkwood, younger brother of Baron Christopher.

Above: Hailed by a Hawkwood
Once he has established that this is Hasimir's ship he says he has been diverted from his patrol to escort them back to Ravenna.  His brother has received the Torenson's letter and wants to talk to him. Hasimir refuses as his charitable mission is more important and, possibly inadvertently challenges the Hawkwood Knight.  He accepts and they agree to duel on board the players' ship.
* Bedevere comes aboard with his second (Koehlang is Hasimir's). They have agreed to fight with swords and energy shields only and to first blood. 

Above: The Hawkwood and his Second are "welcomed" aboard

The duel runs for a few rounds with a number of hits but nothing getting through the shields.  Finally though Bedevere over extends (in the Aggressive Stance on a negative Defence...) and Hasimir overcomes the Hawkwood's shield to cut him and claim victory.

Above: En guarde!

* The knight is no fool though and sees that Hasimir left the terms of the duel deliberately ambiguous.  Therefore he states that he will escort them on their missions to ensure that they return to Ravenna straight after.

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