Hemlock wakes to discover that an intruder has been in his room. Locks have been picked, drawers and cupboards opened but it doesn't appear that anything has been stolen. He checks on Sir Mal and Lady Chastity; both are well and it appears that the intruder only targeted himself. Sir Mal offers to help and he goes outside to look for signs of the intruder's entry or exit. On the way he discovers that the night watchmen are both asleep at their station. Hemlock goes to speak with Master Alfredo who seems horrified at events and is both furious with the guards and concerned that, considering Hemlock's history with the attack on the home during his childhood, he will be distraught and rightly upset. Mal discovers that it appears that the intruder escaped out of Hemlock's bedroom window (it's what Mal would have done...) but there's no telling where they went after that. It appears that the guards may have been poisoned by something in their tea and Hemlock leaves their questioning in the hands of Master Alfredo (with instructions to go easy on them) while he, Mal & Chastity prepare for their scheduled run before breakfast.
Meanwhile in The Midden Barony Sir Hasimir Fenrig Torenson makes preparation to take Sir Tarquin to visit his cousin, Sir Hemlock. He speaks with the Baron to get his formal approval and confirms his progress with the ongoing wedding preparations. Hasimir, Virssu and Sir Tarquin then ride out but divert on route to pay and arranged visit to Father Helsing.
They discuss plans to over throw the Baron and institute Justinian rule once more. It seems to finally dawn on Sir Tarquin (and the priest) that this may well mean the Baron's death, possibly by the hand of another party (in order to divorce them from direct involvement and blame). Tarquin seems concerned by this but seems to accept it as a necessity. Helsing agrees to contact the other "conspiritors"; Potter and Clodius and get them to advise Hasimir of their plans. Hasimir also mentions Virssus' observations about the staffing changes at the mansion. The priest says that it's an odd coincidence that he hasn't seen any of the old staff in the evening or morning prayers either.
Hasimir & Tarquin bid farewell to Father Helsing and ride out to Sector 42 noticing as they pass through the Barony that one of Christopher's knights is drilling a large group of fully armed and armoured Hawkwood troops.
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An ambush awaits... |
In Sector 42 Hemlock and company's morning run quickly turns sour as Mal notices what appears to be a sniper waiting in ambush ahead of them. He alerts his companions and they realise that there are two well equipped attackers. Hemlock immediately charges at one (the crowded nature of the city scape of the running route meaning that they were already quite close in order to draw a line of fire on the runners) and incapacitates him with Keat's knife. Sir Mal interposes himself between the attackers and Lady Chastity (figuring that is what Hemlock would want him to do). The second attack opens up with a three round burst from his advanced SMG at Hemlock but his shield (the gift from Lady Chastity) flares to life and protects him. The lady herself moves gracefully and extremely swiftly past Mal Hawkwood and, following Hemlock's lead, assaults the man who attacked him, a slender Viper sword blade extending from her forearm. She attacks with unbridled ferocity, finishing the attacker by decapitating him.
Hemlock manages to bring the other attacker around but he is obviously dying. Mal manages to question him in his last moments and he tells them that "The Guild" has ordered that Hemlock and he be killed to stop their meddling. Meanwhile Lady Chasity has broken down in tears as she apparently never wanted Hemlock to see her like this. He comforts her as best he can while Mal takes weapons and gear from the fallen attackers.
They head slowly back home to find Master Alfredo waiting for them, obviously concerned that they had been gone longer than expected. He is devastated to hear that they were attacked and immediately summons staff to assist. Lady Chastity retires to her room but sends word that she is alright while Hemlock and Mal take breakfast and discuss events. While Mal is stashing the gear in his room the wrist squawker he took from one of the assailants blurts into life. He doesn't answer but he hears the man at the other end say that they have killed theirs, has he finished his? Mal tells Hemlock and they ponder whom it could refer to. Hemlock also thanks Mal for trying to protect Chastity; he was both surprised and quite flattered that Mal would put himself at risk (unarmoured as he was) for them. Hemlock also has a realisation that after seeing him discussing a mixed up order with master Alfredo earlier that day the boy he saw in the stables yesterday was the lad who delivers bread to the estate. He asks Alfredo request that the boy comes to speak with him.
Hemlock has also received a response from Baron Samuel about his request to visit his library in "Quentin's Retreat":
Mr dear young fellow,
How felicitous to be in receipt of your delightful epistle. For too long the void of untamed expanse between our fiefs has been both figurative as well as literal. Am I to assume that your father has finally bequeathed his lands and territories to you, allowing them to be properly managed and maintained whilst he conducts his, obviously essential, business elsewhere?
I would, of course, be most enamoured to allow you admission to my meagre collection of tomes and scrolls. I have recently had course to host our mutual cousin, the charming and astute Lady Althea, who made most expeditious use of my academic resources. When I mentioned your correspondence she spoke highly of your good character and admirable nature and quite reversed my previous reluctance to engage with you.
I trust that you will prove her reference to be both appropriate and accurate when you arrive.
Deo volente
Baron Samuel Justinian,
Lord of Quentin's Retreat and its environs and borders
Hero of Cadragathia,
Holder of the medal of Aspatria,
Doctor of Archeo-sociological Humanities, University of Celdor
Lord of Quentin's Retreat and its environs and borders
Hero of Cadragathia,
Holder of the medal of Aspatria,
Doctor of Archeo-sociological Humanities, University of Celdor
Hasimir and Tarquin arrive around lunch time and are welcomed into the drawing room to see Hemlock and Mal. They update each other on recent events and speculate on who the assailants might have been. Mal is sure it was the Scravers and believes that the other target may have been Mitnick. Discussions move to the Midden Barony and Hasimir's plan to help Sir Tarquin overthrow the Baron. They ask if they can count on Hemlock and Mal's aid, which they consent to give. Tarquin is concerned that, as a Hawkwood, Mal is a risk but Mal reassures him that no love is lost between him and his family (especially the Baron) and Sir Hasimir advises that he'd never trust Mal but he does know him and can rely on him in this matter. Tarquin also seems to distrust Lady Chastity. The Decados are the "old enemy" of the Justinians as many believe that they were responsible for closing the jumpgate to the House's home world of Paradise. Hemlock tries to reassure him but Tarquin casts aspersions on Hemlock's opinions when it comes to women, citing similarities with his sister, Dame Arcadia. The bell goes for lunch and Tarquin asks if he may visit Lady Chastity before they dine (as a representative of his House and barony he feels it would be proper etiquette, as she is the ranking member of her own House locally and it may help put his mind at rest). Hasimir suggests it would be correct protocol and Hemlock checks with the staff that she is happy to receive him. He is escorted upstairs while Hemlock, Hasimir and Mal continue to discuss what to do about recent events.
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In the drawing room again. |
Their conversation is interrupted by screams from above and they rush up the stairs, passing Tarquin coming back down. The screams are from the maid, Sasha, who attends Chasity. She has re-entered the room to find the lady unconscious on the floor with wounds to her abdomen and throat. Hemlock calls for aid and he and Mal try to stabilize the wounded noble. Hasimir comes and reads her surface thoughts as Master Alfredo rushes in and starts to organise staff to help. Hasimir "sees" in her mind the same moments playing over and over; Tarquin enters, greets her politely, draws his short sword (engaging its shock charge) and stabs her by surprise. The electric shock scrambles her cyber ware, leaving her convulsing on the floor as he leans over her and slashes her throat "Our Houses will always be enemies."
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