Thursday 21 August 2014

Session five; "His bowels loosened and he said he wouldn't tell anyone.."

Picking up where we'd left off, Arcadia decides to have further plans; before they leave she wants to kill the woman she believes is orchestrating events. If possible she wants to make it appear as suicide and leave a note saying that she was the Baron's murderer.  The party gather together with her and try to talk her down a bit.  The discussion goes on for some time and they manage to learn from her that the woman she has seen and believes responsible is known as "Façade"; she is a Scraver, a psychic and very dangerous. They had an association three years ago before Arcadia left Ravenna and their parting was acrimonious.  Façade swore revenge but Arcadia believed her dead or imprisoned.
The party agree to remain at the tourney and convince Arcadia to stay under guard while they try to find Façade using the limited description the lady is able to provide.

Lawrence also introduces the group to the mysterious man who cut down the Inquisitor; a Muster guilder by the name of Beorn. He appears to be obligated to Lawrence and was called in by the Scraver the previous day when things started to go sour.

After breakfast the following day (day four of the festival) the party start to try to track down Façade:

Beorn uses his cybernetic eye to record images of possible suspects then shows Arcadia.  None of them are Façade

Lawrence gets in touch with his network of contacts via Squwarker to try to find out about Façade.  What he learns corroborates what Arcadia has told them and he is left in no uncertain terms that this is a very dangerous, and possibly psychopathic, individual. He also tries to find out a bit about the Reeve and learns that he's very procedural and "by the book" adhering strongly to the literal letter of the law.

Hemlock sneaks and snoops around for clues but doesn't manage to spot anyone suspicious but does try to rule a number of people out.  It certainly doesn't seem that Façade is amongst the Baron's staff.
De Havilland and Hasimir go to speak with Baronet Christopher Hawkwood.  They find he is packing to leave "Guards be damned!" and is bored with all these antics when he had come for a proper tourney. They talk about his disagreements with the previous Baron and the situation with the Austram islands and are left feeling content that he is not responsible for the murder.

At dinner that evening De Havilland is invited to dine with the Baron and brings Hasimir too. With them are the Decados and the Reeve, Pufflenaff.

Lawrence ends up sat with the Hazat and spends the time crowd watching.  He notices for the first time that Sir Selwyn, Arcadia's bother, has a lady companion who seems to fit Facade's description.
Meanwhile Beorn and Hemlock are taking advantage of the nobles being at table to go through their tents looking for suspects.  Hemlock tries to intimidate his way in but if that fails it works as a distraction for Beorn to sneak in the back. The plan works well but they turn up no new leads.

The conversation at the Baron's table turns to Pufflenaff's progress and he mentions that he has conducted most of his interviews and interrogations. He feels confident that he will have reached his verdict (so that the Baron can then pass sentence) by sunset tomorrow, thereby securing the bonus payment he's been promised for a timely resolution. He also alludes to knowing that Hasimir "got at" Timmy.  De Havilland challenges Hasimir about this privately and he confesses that his methods may be considered somewhat enthusiastic or drastic by some but that they get results.  In his own words; "His bowels loosened and he said he wouldn't tell anyone.."

When Beorn and Hemlock eventually turn up for dinner the party has moved to "drinks and nibbles".  Lawrence shares his observations and tells Beorn to take a picture of the girl with Sir Selwyn and show it to Arcadia straight away. He rushes off to do so.

De Havilland and Hasimir go to speak to Sir Selwyn and he introduces them to Marjorie (their Façade suspect...) and explains that she was one of his household servants but he took a shine to her and that they are currently lovers. Hasimir takes her hand and tries to read her thoughts, she attempts to block instinctively, confirming her psychic abilities, but fails.  He reads that she knows he is one of "the witch Arcadia's pet psychics" and is still relishing the fact that she arranged for the other one (Josay) to be taken out of the picture.

Beorn returns to tell Lawrence that Arcadia says the picture he showed her wasn't Façade... 

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